The Waiting Room
Porter - James Morley
Pendlebury - Jack Shepherd
Yarrow/ Doctor - Lewis Collier
Angelica - Kelly Hampson
Stationmaster - Richard Walsh
The Signalman
Signalman - Jack Shepherd
Traveller - Richard Walsh
Inspector - James Morley
Tom - Lewis Collier
Wilf - Matthew Wellman
Director/ Designer - Michael Lunney
Assistant Director - Richard Walsh
Production Manager - Mat Larkin
Company Stage Manager - Chris Radford
Technical Support - Jeremy Barnaby
Zara Anderson
Matthew Wellman
Tour Dates
30th September - 3rd October - Grand Theatre, Swansea
5th - 7th October - Buxton Opera House,
14th - 17th October - Civic Theatre,
20th - 24th October - Haymarket Theatre, Basingstoke
27th - 31st October - Theatre Royal,
Bury ST Edmunds
2nd - 4th November - Orchard Theatre, Dartford
23rd - 25th November - Ashcroft Theatre, Croydon