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Banner poster of Charlier and the Chocolate Factory at Aberystwyth Arts Centre
Charlie's book

Grandma Josephine / Cherry -

Seren Sandham-Davies

Grandpa George / Mr Salt -

Geraint Rhys Edwards

Veruca Salt - Heledd Davies

Grandma Georgina / Mrs Gloop -

Caitlin Lavagna

Augustus Gloop -

Charlie Longman / Leif Tor Evans

Mr Beauregarde - Duane Gooden

Violet Beauregarde - Miriam Llwyd

Jerry / Oompa Loompa -

Matthew Wellman

Mrs Green / Mrs Teevee -

Leanne Pinder

Mike Teavee - Owen Jac Roberts

Director - Richard Cheshire

Musical Director - David Haller

Choreographer - Leanne Pinder

Assistant Director - Matthew Wellman

Set Designer - Peter Lochery

Costume Designer - Llinos Griffiths Gough & Amy Barrett

Lighting Designer - Barry Smith

Sound Designer - Sam Aitken

Willy Wonka - Sam Jones


Charlie Bucket -

Evie Hughes / Gruffydd Rhys Davies


Grandpa Joe - Phylip Harries


Mrs Bucket / Oompa Loompa - Elian Mai West

Matthew Wellman appearing as Jerry in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Matthew Wellman appearing as Jerry in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Matthew Wellman appearing as Jerry in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Matthew Wellman appearing as Jerry in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Matthew Wellman playing a squirrel in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
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